
In July 2019, Shanghai, China officiallyimplemented waste sorting. According to the Zhiwei data, the impact index ofthe event was as high as 80.6, which caused concern in China.But,do you knowwhere the special waste products in your home have gone? If you delve into it,you will find that household waste can produce a variety of great resourcesavailable through recycling.

This work uses a graphical way toillustrate the process of household waste recycling and its regenerationproducts, and to graphically display household waste recycling.There are fivemain categories:home appliances/food waste/cling/paper/plastic,with simulationsrelated The scene, a better understanding of the source of waste products.This workdesigned to hope that each family can subconsciously collect and dispose ofthese waste products and make good use of them,realize the value of wasteproducts,and save more favorable resources.

